Weekly Roundup: September 10th, 2021

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This Week on Better Questions


Personal Values: Freedom From Want

A slightly more emotional entry into the "Personal Values" series this week. Everything in the world hinges on timing, and this one struck particularly close to home.

Supporters Only: My Recommended Productivity Tools

Want to know what I use to stay productive? All my preferred and recommended Productivity tools and systems are now live. How I process email, how I schedule my time, how I track tasks and more. Check it out. (and if you're not a supporter, think about joining here - it costs less than a cup of coffee.)

Something On My Radar:


I've been reading and enjoying Barbara Tuchman's The March of Folly.

I absolutely love this woman (The Guns of August is up there with some of my favorite books). I highly recommend you check out some of her work. (Plus, she has her own eponymous law!)

you are beloved and worthy of rest

I enjoyed this essay, but for whatever reason, the mantra of "You are beloved and worthy of rest" has deeply lodged into my mind. I've been repeating it to myself.

Tyler Cowen is the best curator of talent in the world

I'm a Tyler Cowen fan, but knew very little about his investment in upcoming talent. This is a fascinating look at how Cown cultivates connections. His philosophy on how he works through this process is very similar to what I wanted to do with Better Questions: if I simply write for well-meaning, earnest, and smart people, can I gather more of them around me?

How I experience the web today

Brutal, funny, true. Marketers ruin everything (and yes, I work in marketing)

Stop Death Shaming

Found this article to be pretty spot on. Compare/contrast with this Better Questions essay from last year.

I found the heaviest distortion pedal and used it on harp

Absolutely wonderful. This is why the internet exists.

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Got a recommendation? Something you think I'd like, or want to share with the community?

Send it to dan@nolessthan.com. You might get featured in a future email!