Hi. I'm Dan. I help people build super-profitable businesses and super-fulfilling lifestyles.
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Just One Man
Things have been hard lately - I won't lie. There are incredible downward pressures on my primary business. That's forced us to go "back to the drawing board" on multiple levels at once. No obvious answer to our problems exists; innovation is required, and
Innovation, Ideas, and The Science of Business with Nick Jain, Part 1
In today’s episode, we have Nick Jain, the CEO of IdeaScale, as our guest. Dan and Nick talk about the cultivation of great ideas and opportunities within organizations. This episode will help you navigate the complexities of business growth and create an idea-rich culture. You will learn how IdeaScale

Weak Ties
Someone in my extended family is planning a wedding, which is a good opportunity to notice interesting things about human behavior. My wife is in the wedding party and recently had a conversation about the bridal shower. After a long phone call about who should be invited ("This cousin,
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