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Build Your Team

2 min

This is the year of Building Your Team.

That means:

Making it your goal to help others reach theirs.

This could be as simple as:

It doesn't have to be hard.

It doesn't have to be complex.

But it does take some effort.

It's so easy to let things slide, to forget to follow up, to say "I'm bad at keeping in touch!"

You're not bad at it, though, and you know it.

You simply haven't made it a priority.

This is the year you make it a priority.

This is the year you make it a point,

to follow up,

keep in touch,

and remind the people around you that they are important.

This is the year of building your team.

And if you give it your all?

This year will be better than you ever could have imagined.

We are strongest together.

So don't delay.

Don't put it off.

Make it a point.

Make it a goal.

Write it down, keep it front-and-center, and put your heart into it.

This is the year.







An oldie, but a goodie:

Beware The Man of One Study.

At some point in their education, most smart people usually learn not to credit arguments from authority. If someone says “Believe me about the minimum wage because I seem like a trustworthy guy,” most of them will have at least one neuron in their head that says “I should ask for some evidence”. If they’re really smart, they’ll use the magic words “peer-reviewed experimental studies.”
But I worry that most smart people have not learned that a list of dozens of studies, several meta-analyses, hundreds of experts, and expert surveys showing almost all academics support your thesis – can still be bullshit.
Which is too bad, because that’s exactly what people who want to bamboozle an educated audience are going to use.

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