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First of all - thank you.

Your support of Better Questions makes a HUGE difference and directly helps to cover the costs of running the blog. I deeply, deeply appreciate it.

But you don't just get my gratitude! Here's what you'll receive as a Member:

Member Benefits

Weekly Roundup

One additional email a week, this time on Friday. Curated links and stuff to read, watch, and think about. If you like the "Cool Stuff To Read" section of the weekly emails, this is for you.

Better Questions Deep Dives

A weekly video, going behind the scenes that week's Better Questions topic. I cover thoughts I couldn't fit into the email, the writing process, running Better Questions, and a little bit of my personal life.

Access To Dan's Secret Society

DSS (as it is fondly called) is our private member's community of creative, supportive, curious people. Share your work, get feedback, ask questions, and have high-quality discussions online. Who knew?

The group is hosted in Circle, a service that protects your privacy and does NOT sell your information (unlike Facebook). You'll receive an invitation via email shortly.

Resources and Tools

I'm keeping an updated database of recommended books, courses, tools, software and resources. If you're looking to build something, these are the things that have made the biggest difference in my own journey.

Advanced Access To All New Courses

I'm always working on new courses. When I'm ready to go, all Members get free access to the live recording sessions. Check out all my new course material, free as part of your membership!

Know that I take your readership super seriously, and will never spam you or fill your inbox with offers.

Thanks, and talk to you soon.


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