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This Week on Better Questions
Laying out some stuff I've been working on. By the way, if you're reading this, join the Telegram channel - I'll be putting some intermittent updates and thoughts there that don't fit on the blog.
Something On My Radar:
I've been taking some improv classes, and this week my class had our first show. It was alot of fun, and challenging in ways I didn't really expect.
The show Middleditch and Schwartz (available on Netflix) is a great example of long-form improv (which I haven't done, but want to). It's VERY funny and worth a watch.
Five Interesting Links For The Weekend:
Interesting profile of the musician. I like long-form profiles of artists and wish I read more of them.
How Americans Became Convinced Divorce Is Bad for Kids
I wonder about this - what is the actual impact of divorce on kids?
How do people do this shit? I'm training for Baby's First Spartan Race and I'm already hurting.
Can the Metaverse survive without sex? Maybe. Do we want it to? No.
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Send it to dan@nolessthan.com. You might get featured in a future email!