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This Week on Better Questions
Where body meets air, we are all cadavers
Sharing an assortment of fun, confusing, and mysterious facts about the human body from Bill Bryson's excellent The Body.
Something On My Radar:
A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century
Man, this book is good.
I've professed my love for Barbara Tuchman before:
Everything she writes is fun to read. She manages, here, to really draw a picture of life in the Middle Ages that is simultaneously relatable and alien.
"Barbara Tuchman masterfully reveals the two contradictory images of the age, examining the great rhythms of history and the grain and texture of domestic life as it was lived: what childhood was like; what marriage meant; how money, taxes and war dominated the lives of serf, noble and clergy alike."
Five Interesting Links For The Weekend:
A Chemical Hunger – Part I: Mysteries
One of the best things I read all week.
No matter what you think about the "obesity epidemic" and it's causes, this blog post will have something to make you scratch your head.
File this in the "everything is always more complex than it appears" drawer.
Facebook Banned Me for Life Because I Help People Use It Less
I've said it before and I've said it again:
Where you direct your attention determines how you feel about your life.
Be very, very careful who you give that privilege to.
Crocs are high-fashion. How in the world did that happen?
"Crocs has gone from laughing stock to, well, a really good stock. In 2020, revenues grew nearly 13% to $1.4 billion, an all-time high for the company. That’s good. But what’s really astounding is what happened over the first half of 2021, when Crocs has brought in $1.1 billion in revenue. That’s a massive 80% increase compared to the first half of 2020. Consider this: in the first half of this year, Crocs has made almost as much as it did during the entirety of its record-breaking 2020."
Confessions of a Michelin Inspector
Have you wondered? Because I have.
"What people don’t understand fully, your at 10 meals a week, you are probably lucky to get one starred restaurant a week or a star contender, and the other meals are pretty mediocre. And that’s kind of a drudge. And you get into awkward situations, when at the end of you finishing your region, you have an extra restaurant to go to where you haven’t factored it in. So you do dinner at 6 pm, and you do another dinner at 8 pm. So it’s lunch, dinner and dinner."
Jackie Chan On Choreographing Fight Scenes
A true joy.
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Send it to dan@nolessthan.com. You might get featured in a future email!