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My Best Posts of 2022

6 min

First off, if you're reading this - thank you so much for being here. If you'd like to be a supporting member of Better Questions (and get access to my weekly newsletter of interesting things to read, exclusive videos, beta course access and more), it only costs 1$. Thanks.

As part of my yearly review process, I like to look back on the last year's worth of writing and see what stands out.

These may not be my best pieces, but they were the pieces that felt like they meant something.

Hope you enjoy.

Build Your Team

Build Your Team
This is the year of Building Your Team. That means: Making it your goal to help others reach theirs. This could be as simple as: * Listening to someone who needs it. * Organizing a night out (or in) for friends or family. * Sharing resources. * Making referrals. * Promoting someone’s projec…

This year I set myself the goal of deepening my most important relationships - of "building my team."

I'm not convinced I succeeded 100%, but I like the encapsulation here:

"Making it your goal to help others reach theirs."

Seeking Reassurance

Seeking Reassurance
Better Questions is supported by readers like you. If you get value from mywriting, consider becoming a supporting member.[] Exclusive content, weeklydeep-dives, free beta-access to future courses and more. Thanks. --------------------------------------…

All organic systems produce wave forms, not straight lines.

Expecting otherwise is a recipe for disaster.

Here's the process:
Get very clear on the type of results you want to create.
Get very clear on the intermediate steps towards those results.
And then, let go.

Everything Is A Choice

Everything Is A Choice
Better Questions is supported by readers like you. If you get value from mywriting, consider becoming a supporting member.[] Exclusive content, weeklydeep-dives, free beta-access to future courses and more. Thanks. ---- Everything is a choice. This is…

In which Dan wrestles with Joan Didion on the topic of "self-respect."

Self-respect comes from the acknowledgement of our predicament:
That everything is a choice...
And we will almost certainly get it wrong.

All Too Much

All Too Much
Can you believe that in the nearly two-year history of Better Questions, Ihaven’t missed a single issue? Until yesterday. I’ll be honest - if loyal-reader Terry hadn’t texted me to ask what was up, Iprobably wouldn’t have even realized I missed my deadline! Of course, I have my

The early parts of the year had me under huge amounts of stress. In this piece, I go over one method for apportioning your attention during those periods.

There's a relatively simple method for handling these periods, and it's based off something my friend Nic likes to say:
"You can have it all...just not all at once."

Learning To Dance

Learning To Dance
Better Questions is supported by readers like you. If you get value from mywriting, consider becoming a supporting member.[] Exclusive content, weeklydeep-dives, free beta-access to future courses and more. Thanks. ---- We want certainty, and we’ll do a…

Our desire for control over the world inevitably leads to disillusionment. Better to learn to dance with the systems around us.

By allowing uncertainties to exist without needing to fill them in, by seeking out experiences and opinions that contradict our own, by letting go of the need to know and to predict and to control that which cannot be controlled -
We leave ourselves open to a fascinating and endless world of possibility.
Things we'd never thought we'd experience.
People we'd never thought we'd be.
Places we'd never thought we'd go.

Choosing Your Vices

Choosing Your Vices
Better Questions is supported by readers like you. If you get value from mywriting, consider becoming a supporting member.[] Exclusive content, weeklydeep-dives, free beta-access to future courses and more. Thanks. ---- One of the most powerful things y…

Balancing trade-offs of pleasure in the present for pain in the future...while understanding that every risk we take today becomes easier to take again in the future.

Heuristics help us make decisions quickly while in the midst of a world that is often chaotic, unpredictable, and not amenable to sitting down and really hashing out our options.
This is what I mean by "choosing our vices":
As a heuristic, choose a few things you are willing to indulge in without guilt...and abstain from everything else.

When In Doubt, Take Notes

When In Doubt, Take Notes
Better Questions is supported by readers like you. If you get value from mywriting, consider becoming a supporting member.[] Exclusive content, weeklydeep-dives, free beta-access to future courses and more. Thanks. ---- If there’s one thing I know I bel…

Taking notes is about as close as I get to an act of faith - it means I still believe, deep down, that there are things to learn, and that I can learn them.

If there's one thing I know I believe, it's that taking notes is powerful.
I know I believe it, because I consistently do it.

Three Errors

Three Errors
Last time, we discussed the Three Demons of disorder, disaster, and frustration.[] This week, we discuss Three Errors. The three errors are the root cause of a great deal of pain and suffering,particularly in our personal relationships. The are ubiqui…
If you have ever lain awake in bed unable to do anything other than seethe anger towards someone you actually love, the three errors were why.
We think we know what others intend, but don't.
We think others know what we intend, but they don't.
We attribute the actions of others to character; we attribute our own to context.

Wanting To Be Wanted

Wanting To Be Wanted
One of the most damning things is wanting to be wanted. If there’s anything in my personality that I would change - anything aboutmyself I viscerally dislike - it’s wanting to be wanted, my desire to bedesired. Wanting to be wanted takes the place of wanting.

Struggling with desires that seem self-defeating; struggling with desires that undercut my idea of who I want to be.

No answers in this one, but posing the question seemed powerful enough.

Nothing Comes From Nothing

Nothing Comes From Nothing
Better Questions is supported by readers like you. If you get value from mywriting, consider becoming a supporting member.[] Exclusive content, weeklydeep-dives, free beta-access to future courses, and more. Thanks. ---- Parmenides was the first to coin…
Ex Nihilio, Nihil Fit.
nothing comes from nothing.
There is no smooth, definitive break between a universe in which a thing did not exist and the universe in which it does.
The building blocks had to exist before the finished product; the idea had to exist before the plan; the inkling had to exist before the idea...
And on, and on.
I'm not making claims to any kind of grand philosophical truth, just sharing my experience.
Here's what nothing comes from nothing means to me:
Everything I need to create the life I want, I already have.

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